Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Personal Postulates and Theorems

I Love my Family

Statement                            Reason
I love my family                           God loves me
God loves me                           He is a God of love
He is a God of love                           Because He is                        

God is my Father

Statement                           Reason
 God is my Father                           He created me
 He created me                           The Bible says so
 The Bible says so                           Its God's word
Its God's word                           It just is

I Like the Color Purple
    Statement                            Reason  
I like the color purple                           I just do

   The first one of the theorems in my life is something I had never really had an answer to. I never actually thought about why I loved my family, despite the fact that they loved me. I found out that the reason I love my family is because God loves me. The second one of my theorems, is the fact that God is my Father. I actually knew why He was my Father, that being He created me and the Bible, His word, said so. The postulate I came up with is simple. I like the color purple because I just do. It looks terrible when I wear it as clothing, I never use it in any of my art pieces for school, and there are so many different colors for me to like. I like the color purple, and I can't prove why, so its a postulate. 
   In learning about personal postulates and theorems, I also realize that there are reasons for almost everything, big or small. Going forward, I will pay attention to my own postulates and theorems, appreciating how they affect me and my beliefs. I will also recognize other people's personal beliefs and respect them, knowing there is either a reason to them, or because they just are.