Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lessons 8.1 - 8.3


A polygon is convex if no line that contains a side of the polygon passes through the interior of the polygon.

A polygon is concave it at least one side that contains a side of the polygon passes through the interior of the polygon

A polygon that is not convex is called concave

A polygon is equilateral is all of its sides are congruent. 
A polygon is equiangular if all of its sides are congruent. 
A polygon is regular if it is both equilateral and equiangular.

Nothing in this chapter really challenged me much. Everything was fairly easy for me.


Polygon Interior Angle Theorem:
The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon with N sides is (N-2) x 180 

Polygon Exterior Angle Theorem: 
The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a convex polygon, one angle at each vertex is 360 degrees

Everything in this chapter was easy. The most confusing thing was probably the exterior angles and where in the polygon they were located.

I can remember the exterior angles by extending the sides of the polygon and making sure that each angle is facing the same direction.


The amount of surface covered by a figure is called its area

Area of a square:
Area = Side (squared) 

Area of a rectangle:
Area = (base)x(height) 

Area of a complex polygon:
To find the area of a complex polygon, divide the polygon into smaller polygons whose areas you can find 

Nothing in this chapter was challenging for me.


Overall, I learned the different kinds of polygons, how to find their areas, and was able to find the measure of a specific angle in a polygon, whether it was interior or exterior.

The most challenging thing overall was trying to find the exterior angles of a polygon. I wasn't sure where exactly the exterior angles were located and to which way they were facing. Once I extended the sides of the polygon, I eventually found which way the angles were supposed to face and then find out what each angle measured.