Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Favorites, Improvements, and Pride

The 3 things I have learned so far are that the long side of a right triangle is called the hypotenuse, I learned complementary and supplementary angles, and how to use a compass to make an equilateral triangle.

My favorite thing from math so far is making lines and triangles using compasses, which were cut out from a cereal box.

To make this class better, I would like to listen to music when we are doing our independent note taking. Music helps me focus, and I'm used to listening to music when I do my homework, study for tests, quizzes, etc.

One thing i'm proud of is the fact that, for the first time ever, I not only have an A in math, but this class is my highest grade overall. Math isn't hard for me anymore and its a whole lot more fun!


  1. I said the same thing about triangles and how we have learned about them! I agree with listening to the music during class possibly.

  2. Wow this is so interesting... (Guess who?)
