Tuesday, December 9, 2014

GeomeTREE (octahedron)

A polyhedron is a solid shape with 6 plane sides. The way a polyhedron and a polygon are related, is that a polygon is made up of 3 or more sides, all connected at the endpoints with congruent vertices. A polyhedron is made of 6 or more polygons. For our geomeTREE, I made an octahedron. The shape consists of 8 triangles in 2 groups of 4 triangles each. These four triangles were formed into a pyramid shape and placed base to base with the other group of 4, also formed into a pyramid. The color palate in this shape included dark blue, light yellow, rose red, and dark green. The vertices of the ornament were where each triangle made a point with the others, bound by tape. all of the sides were intersected where the different triangles met. None of the planes were parallel; however, I found the triangles to form pyramids.

I worked on my own for this assignment and spent a class period and a half cutting the triangles out and trying to figure out how everything would fit, and then an additional 30 minutes of finally making the little polygons into the octahedron! I learned what a polyhedron was, and that the octahedron was not made out of octagons, but rather 8 triangles. I was challenged by the actual forming of the octahedron and how the triangles could make a 3 dimensional shape. I really enjoyed the in class time, cutting the triangles out of colorful paper, listening to the Frozen soundtrack, and talking with friends while working. If I had anything to change, it would be to make the shapes due before out test and before the weekend, though my class was the only group that faced this problem. 
This is my finished octahedron with my beautiful friend Ruthie in the background!

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