Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mark 2:1-11

   In the book of Mark, Jesus comes to Capernaum to preach. The streets flooded with people so not everyone could fit in the building he preached in. Four men brought a paralyzed man to see Jesus, but they could not reach him due to the large numbers of people. The men lowered the cripple through the roof of the building Jesus was in. Jesus god the man that he had been forgiven for his sins, and commanded the man to walk out of the room, and so, he walked. 
   Something that stood out to me the most was the fact that before allowing the paralyzed man to walk, he forgave him of his sins. What the people didn't understand was the fact that sins were more crippling than a disability. Jesus freed the man from being paralyzed, but he also freed him from his sins which is more important. 

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