Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hour of Code

During class we were assigned to lear how to use codes to control what happened on our computer screens We were given the option to use either a "Frozen" themed template or and "Angry Birds" template. I chose Frozen, and got to make Elsa and Ana move the way I wanted to with the help of the Hour of Code steps. I really enjoyed this because I got to see how some of the electronic things I use everyday were programed to do their jobs. Something that was challenging was trying to figure out how many degrees the figure was supposed to turn to make the desired shape. I learned how to make simple commands on a computer and make something interact using those same commands. Something that was surprising was the fact that I eventually made around 36 different codes when playing a simple game! One code I used to make a cool shape that looks like a snowflake is listed below, followed by the finished product!

for (var count2 = 0; count2 < 10; count2++) {
  for (var count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
This assignment was very fun and a great learning opportunity!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

GeomeTREE (octahedron)

A polyhedron is a solid shape with 6 plane sides. The way a polyhedron and a polygon are related, is that a polygon is made up of 3 or more sides, all connected at the endpoints with congruent vertices. A polyhedron is made of 6 or more polygons. For our geomeTREE, I made an octahedron. The shape consists of 8 triangles in 2 groups of 4 triangles each. These four triangles were formed into a pyramid shape and placed base to base with the other group of 4, also formed into a pyramid. The color palate in this shape included dark blue, light yellow, rose red, and dark green. The vertices of the ornament were where each triangle made a point with the others, bound by tape. all of the sides were intersected where the different triangles met. None of the planes were parallel; however, I found the triangles to form pyramids.

I worked on my own for this assignment and spent a class period and a half cutting the triangles out and trying to figure out how everything would fit, and then an additional 30 minutes of finally making the little polygons into the octahedron! I learned what a polyhedron was, and that the octahedron was not made out of octagons, but rather 8 triangles. I was challenged by the actual forming of the octahedron and how the triangles could make a 3 dimensional shape. I really enjoyed the in class time, cutting the triangles out of colorful paper, listening to the Frozen soundtrack, and talking with friends while working. If I had anything to change, it would be to make the shapes due before out test and before the weekend, though my class was the only group that faced this problem. 
This is my finished octahedron with my beautiful friend Ruthie in the background!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A polygon is a plane figure that is formed by three or more segments called sides. Each side intersects exactly two other sides at each of its endpoints. Each endpoint is a vertex of the polygon.

My phone is a quadrilateral

This bag is a quadrilateral with small dodecagons (shapes with 12 sides)

This is a foam sponge, also a triangle

The scarf has, like, a ton of snowflakes with even more sides

The "F" on the book is a nonagon 

My "M" room letters are dodecagons

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Favorites, Improvements, and Pride

The 3 things I have learned so far are that the long side of a right triangle is called the hypotenuse, I learned complementary and supplementary angles, and how to use a compass to make an equilateral triangle.

My favorite thing from math so far is making lines and triangles using compasses, which were cut out from a cereal box.

To make this class better, I would like to listen to music when we are doing our independent note taking. Music helps me focus, and I'm used to listening to music when I do my homework, study for tests, quizzes, etc.

One thing i'm proud of is the fact that, for the first time ever, I not only have an A in math, but this class is my highest grade overall. Math isn't hard for me anymore and its a whole lot more fun!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Difference Between Parallel and Non-Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal

  A pair of parallel lines cut by a transversal would follow and apply to the theorems. Non-Parallel lines would not have congruent angles in the same places the theorem suggests, and would not show the same results parallel segments would.

Above is an example of parallel lines cut by a transversal, following the theorems and staying consistent.
To the right is a non-parallel line pair cut by a transversal. The angles, which should be congruent or supplementary to each other, are not due to false angle measurements. Angle 1 is clearly not the same measure as angle 5, which would follow the corresponding angle postulate.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Coplanar Non-parallel lines VS Skew lines

Non-parallel lines, which are on the same plane, are different from skew lines because the fact that skew lines use 3 dimensions in order to be called 'skew'. Non-parallel lines will eventually cross each other. Skew lines, due to their dimensions, will never cross or touch.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Parallel, Perpendicular, and Skew

In class, I learned what a skew line was, and also that a perpendicular line would only be considered perpendicular if it crossed with another line and made a right angle. Before this lesson, I thought that a perpendicular line could cross in any way, make an acute, obtuse, or right angle, and still be considered perpendicular.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Linear Pairs vs Vertical Angles

  Linear Pairs are two adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are on the same line. Vertical Angles are not adjacent, and their sides are formed by 2 intersecting lines. When finding a linear point, there is a line dividing 2 separate angles, and they share the same line on one side. Vertical Angles are across from each other, and share a common vertex.
Linear pairs are #'s 2 and 3 or  
4 and 1
Vertical Pairs are #'s 4 and 2 or
1 and 3

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Law of Syllogism

  The law of syllogism basically states that if statement P= statement Q, and statement Q= statement R, then statement P= statement R. A syllogism is set up in an "if" and "then" format. For example:
                    "If the sky is dark, then it might storm"
The "if" portion of the statement is the hypothesis, and the "then" portion contains the conclusion.
                    "If the sky is dark" is the hypothesis.
                    "then it might storm" is the conclusion.
An example of a syllogism is:
                    "If it is time for lunch, then I will go to the cafeteria."
                    "If I go to the cafeteria, then I will eat."
                    "If it is time for lunch, then I will eat."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

How Many Handshakes?

  For class, we were to find how many handshakes our group of 4 could do between ourselves. In order to find the number of handshakes total, we made small dot diagrams, similar to the one above, and we connected each dot in every way possible. Our solution, was that 4 people could do a maximum of 6 handshakes. In order to find the exact number of handshakes any group of any size could have, we had to find the function rule. For every rectangular function, the rule is n(n+1)÷2. So, we plugged in the number of people for "n" and got out the appropriate number of handshakes.

Desmos House

This is my Desmos house. The acute angles I noticed first were both ends of the roof. The obtuse angle, was the small space between the roof and the chimney closest to the top. The right angles include the windows, and the doorframe. the biggest challenge when it came to creating my Desmos house, was trying to figure out how to make a diagonal line for my roof. I eventually learned how to make one, thanks to Hunter.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why Math?

  Math is used for personal, practical, and spiritual use. Personal uses include paying rent, giving tips, measuring certain household items, and baking. Practical things involving math include measuring building supplies, and measuring medication for patients. Math is used in biblical times, when Noah was building the ark, and had to use certain measuring requirements that God gave him. One doorway that impacts my daily life the most, is the personal aspects to math. I give the delivery man the right amount in tip money, and I measure things when I bake things from scratch. The verse Exodus 35:30- 36:2 stands out to me the most because it tells us to create using our God given talents. Practical spiritual windows are referred to in this verse. The practical aspect in this verse, is the creating of things, and spirituality comes in because of the biblical reference.

Hello World!

  Hello, my name is Madison. Right now the tree most important things to me are family, friends, and volleyball. This year, I'm looking forward to finding certain shape volumes and areas. I'm anxious about doing things with fractions, seeing that they have never been my strongest area in math. One thing that you might know about me, is that I enjoy alternative music and 80's music. I really like the bands Coldplay, Paramore, and Fall Out Boy.

Page 70 Questions

Page 70 #1:

  The difference between complementary and supplementary angles, is the fact that when 2 angles are complementary, their measurements will always add up to 90 degrees. When 2 angles are supplementary, their measurements will always add up to 180 degrees.
  I will remember the difference between the two, because this lesson clicked for me. I don't need any special way to depict the two, complementary means 90 to me, and supplementary means 180 to me.
  I learned that 2 angles that share the same complementary angle, are congruent. <4 + <5= 90 and
<5 + <6= 90. So <4 is congruent to <6.